Wednesday, February 24, 2010

People Xmastime Likes - Bayonnemike

 guest post by MARLEY

First post - I wish I could say Shutter Island is a good movie, but if I did they would probably have to put me on Shutter Island.

Kind of like going to the Comedy Store and the first bit you hear from the stand-up is, "And what's with all the Pakis at the 7-11?" followed by an imitation of

Bayonne Mike is also upset at the negative stereotypes of New Jerseyans (Jerseyites?) reinforced by MTV's Jersey Shore, willfully ignorant of the deification of New Jersey as personified by

New Jersey has been asking to be knocked down a peg for some time, my friend.


Xmastime said...


BayonneMike said...

Yeah, like people fell out of their chairs over "Football Fans for Truth" (and now most people don't even remember what it's referring to--time for a name change, Marley).

Also, it takes guts putting down NJ when nothing momentous has happened in VA since the founding fathers.

rrthur said...

did he just bitch slap george washington?

you did corner the market on gay governors. kudos!

BayonneMike said...

Not at all. Let's not forget that Washington did some of his best work in NJ.

Hey, at least we're progressive. What's VA given the world since "Virginia is for lovers?"

Anonymous said...

'The Virginian'? Wait, that was a western about Montana. I'm stumped.

While George would probably offer no comment about his best work being accomplished in New Jersey, (i.e. "I do not think vanity is a trait of my character."), Bruce wouldn't hesitate to step one up for 'the armpit', which btw, bears at least some similarities to Virginia!

"My god man, you sound like you should be singing in some bar in a backwater town in New Jersey!”

Gina said...

KNOCKED down a PEG!? why I oughta. Best thing that ever came out of New Jersey?

Jason Alexander- AKA George Costanza- born Sept 23, 1959 Newark New Jersey

"Every decision I've ever made in my entire life has been wrong."

Gina said...

and for more or less Jerseyesque, tune into NBC's new medical drama 'Mercy', currently filming in Jersey City, which BTW will sorta feature, in their St. Paddy's Day episode, my B-I-L's irish band 'Clan Suibhne', with L.A. playing fiddle and Mike Hannigan, real life NJ Bagpiper.

Marley said...

Bayonne Mike, there's no need to lash out.