Wednesday, February 24, 2010

People Xmastime Likes - Drunken Dater

 guest post by MARLEY

The last post was in November, and it was entitled "Who Farted?"

This morning I sort of half woke up to him spooning me. We sort of kissed and said good morning. It was lovely. I started to drift back to sleep when all of a sudden there was a noise and a vibration. Startled, I woke up fully. Oh God, I whispered in my head. Did I just fart on him???

I began to get very hot. I have no idea if he noticed or if he was even awake. I started to sweat. Wait though, I thought. Mine are usually much more intense. Or they burn so I know they are going to smell. This really wasn’t like that. Maybe it was just my stomach (or his) making a noise.

Or maybe it was him.

Not really Intellevision hot, but I am curious if the magic is still there between these two young lovers.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I think it's a healthy move to discuss these types of 'what if' situations PRIOR to any intimacy. " Heard it" would be a nice response from the guy, over "felt it" or "smelt it", though both are better than silence. One time, I had the experience of sleeping in the waiting room of a hospital with a couple of other strangers. I am still not quite sure how it happened but SOMEONE expelled some gas with enough force to cause a lengthy audible reverberation. The room remained quiet, darkness encapsulating the perp...suddenly persons in the room began snickering. No one came forward with a " Heard it" and it was quite a tense moment, though very funny indeed.