Wednesday, February 24, 2010

People Xmastime Likes - Nerhappy and WordNerd

 guest post by MARLEY

Let's get the nerds out of the way, both of whom offer tales of love, loss and life.

From Nerdhappy--

Dear NSXMLParser,

I can parse an XML file in javascript in about 5 lines, then access anything I please with one line of code.

To access the same XML file in Objective-C, I need 3.5 billion lines of code and need to create multiple strings and dictionaries on the fly.

And so I am leaving you... where I end up, I have no idea. I wish you the best of luck.


From Word Nerd

If you're in love and you fall asleep in an empty bed, sometimes you'll hold the pillow as if it's your lover. You'll watch the numbers on the clock, wait for them to change.

When you wake up and the one you love is not with you, you may panic right away and reach out across the cold bed.

If you’re in love and you sleep in a bed with your lover, you will feel the warmth of their skin on your fingertips.

When you wake up and the one you love is next to you, you won’t even have to ask them to pull you closer.

Most mornings, you'll know you have a bus to catch so you’ll pick out your clothes and let the iron heat. Cozy in bed, they’ll beckon you with their eyes to come back. The room will fill with desire and you’ll unplug the iron as they lift the covers back.

(to which I ask, harkening back to Drunken Dater, what if your lover farted in that cold bed?)

Their child?


Nerdhappy said...

Dude, that's totally shopped! There's no such thing as an orange light saber! :)

Xmastime said...

and Nerdhappy has a "D" in it!!!!!!!