Friday, February 26, 2010

People Xmastime Likes - The West Wing

 guest post by MARLEY

An execrable show, perhaps the worst influence on American politics since extension of the right to vote to non-landowners.  Worse, the show may have hamstrung President Obama with a starry-eyed subset of his constituency who believe all the good and right policies they champion were only stifled by the absence of common sense, the urge to do good and the lack of a real-life Sam Seaborn.

There are other reasons to dislike the show.

*  Snappy patter (Aaron Sorkin does Pat and Mike)

*  Stock characters (our White House heroes only err because they "care so much")

*  Gutlessness (what was President Bartlett's scandal?  Sex tape with his brainy doc wife?  DUI?  Nope.  He hid his MS.   Awwwwwww.

*  Self-congratulation

That said, I like the fact that the GOP Speaker of the House was

Dan from Roseanne.      


Xmastime said...

President Walken!

Gina said...

Dan Roseanneadanna! The show often dealt with sensitive issues. The scene which comes to mind: He's comforting his eldest daughter who refuses to leave her bedroom after accidentally passing intestinal gas amongst her peers at school that day. Sensitive.

i don't know about the WW. Are there any controversial 'taboobama' topics out there?

rrthur said...

hail marley!!! silliest show ever

Xmastime said...

hmm. i feel like in the history of tv there might be sillier shows than this one. but obviously i must be wrong, so.

Marley said...

F Troop was weightier.

Xmastime said...

is that a Dan Conner joke??!

Kiko Jones said...

Yeah, this show was lame. I mean, portraying GOPers fairly? What kinda bullshit is that?

If the guys from 24 had done this show you would've seen weekly episodes w/Democratic officials shown selling gov't secrets left and right and other weasely things that come naturally to 'em. Right?

Marley said...

Hmmm. I'm sensing a trend. Even a discussion on The West Wing elicits a Maddowian political jibe.

These are petty shackles to be forming in life.

Xmastime said...

i dont mind if anybody doesn't like the show. it can be over the top idealistic at times. but calling it "the silliest show ever" is pretty absurd.

Marley said...

It is not that, and it did move and it did have a certain charm (for example, like Fiddle Faddel, I knew it was bad for me but often kept eating). But it was mostly a rather stupid, preach to the choir show devoid of any real drama and masquerading as high scope.

Xmastime said...

the key word is "drama." they still had to sell Tide every 13 minutes.

im fine with that assessment except for "stupid." pretentious-y, idyllic, sure.

Marley said...

I retract stupid and replace it with "general ballyhoo."

Xmastime said...

chair accepts

Xmastime said...

but Im holding all yall responsible for not hipping me to Mrs. Olivia Wilde-Xmastime.