Sunday, February 21, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I've always wondered if nobody else has ever noticed that John Candy's pajamas almost perfectly match the curtains in their hotel room.

Finally, tonight, after 22,337 screenings, I've realized that the kid who steals their money is one of the whacky horror-film lovers in the classic Summer School (he's the blond one, not Chainsaw.)

Anyway, he's dead now.


The Gnat said...

Damn. I love that guy and, of course, Summer School is my slice. But with Billy Mays and Michael Jackson, we should have seen the "third one" coming.

The Gnat said...

What do you mean three years ago? Where was the outpouring of celebrity retrospectives? Where was the Candle in the Wind remake? Why can't the world laud the true talent it nurtures?

Xmastime said...

its a senseless world, bro. sigh.