Friday, February 05, 2010

Too Far?

I've come to learn that when debating with someone I deem to be my intellectual inferior (aka "everybody"), the best thing is to just let them walk on through me and over me until they inevitably overplay their hand, at which point I now have them. And the truly stupid ones spring straight to that step, unprovoked. Sniffy's Retard Crusade comes to mind. But now THIS GUY'S over-stepping might have consequences that are so off the charts that his own doing so might, ironically, turn the entire tide of governing back from the cliff he had happily ridden it to, in a real "okay, now this shit's officially whack, even for us" moment. Thanks, jackass!

Then again, perhaps the GOP is happy to become the party that willfully gives away chunks of our military to, of all countries, France. Hey, shit changes, bro! Evil-ution!!!!

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