Thursday, February 18, 2010

We are Idiots

A la HERE:
Dionne laments a left-wing malaise so paralyzing it has allowed Republicans to spin Democrats' successes into failures: "The Obama administration argues that both the stimulus and the health bill are better than people think. That's entirely true, and this is actually an indictment -- it means that on the two big issues of the moment, Republicans and conservatives are winning an argument they should be losing."
The funny thing would seem to be that someone would hafta win an argument about these two things. You would think there would be only one side to the argument of "let's make sure everyone can be covered for their healthcare while reducing the deficit that everyone's pretending to be scared of, and lets spend a bunch of money to try and get people back to work." But some people are aghast at these ideas. and a lot of the reason is that people are under the assumption that if these two things didn't happen, the government will send them their money back. But they won't. And as long as we demand nothing in return for the money we've already given and are determined to wave around Palin-y bumper sticker tropes instead of improving our quality of life, they're more than happy to send THESE PEOPLE money and laugh at our stupid asses.

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