Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What a Total Fuckwad

There a couple of things I like right now about this Christian Bale blowup.

First of all, I would not know who Christian Bale is if he came into my room and painted the lyrics to "How Much is That Doggie in the Window?" on my nutbag. Sorry, Batman. But it's true. I also like that 1) he knows the name of the guy he's yelling at and 2) at the end he's yelling at the guy "you're a nice guy!!!!" I just wanna, you know...kill you.

But mostly, wouldn't that be a great reality show? Poncy, wispy actor who's used to having his mineral water boiled before being used in steaming his tofu-rkey puffs has to attack some dude and try to get into a fight. Except instead of it being some helpless dude who's career depends on not fighting back, or while knowing there's no way anyone would let the actor anywhere near the guy by "holding him back," it's just some random guy on the street. Washed up, C-list celebrity looking to get back in the game? Looking for some attention? Walk up to the biggest dude on a construction site, drop a few N-bombs while getting up in his face, and let nature takes it s course. Seriously, who wouldn't tune in to watch some jackoff like Christian Bale get his ass kicked? Any of these "tough on the set guys", come on over and sign up for ....

Extreme Celebrity Makeover: Your Face!!!!

1 comment:

rrthur said...

your groundhog day spectacular today is great. who knew xmastime could go "artsy"?