Tuesday, March 09, 2010

A Big Thanks

Looks like Fatty is threatening to move to Costa Rica if the national nightmare of healthcare reform passes.

Obvious jokes abut Costa Rica having universal healthcare aside, I think it's worthy to point out that removing an obese smoker from the country will, ironically, lower our healthcare costs. Thank you, Rush.


Marley said...

There's a great scene in I Claudius where Caligula is taken seriously ill and while in a coma, a senator pledges that he would gladly give his life in return for Caesar's recovery.

Caligula recovers and insists that the unctuous senator hold to his promise.

Xmastime said...

Im sure if he moved away, the Dittoheads would invade Costa Rica to save him, a la Princess Leia ;)

here. said...

is that the same scene where malcolm mcdowell bangs the bride at her wedding reception?

Kiko Jones said...

Oh, please. If the health care reform Rush dreads indeed comes to pass, he won't go anywhere. And if anyone calls him on it, he'll deny point-blank he ever threatened to leave, and that, will be that.

Marley said...

Had we insisted on fealty to these pledges in the past, 30 Rock with Ed Begley as Lemon's boss would have sucked --


and the Sarandon/Robbins breakup would have been earlier.


You'd miss Limbaugh were he not here to torment you.

GIHYB - wrong flick, good scene