Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Children By the Millions

Alex Chilton's dead. That sucks. I met him when he played underneath the WTC years ago. Was a thrill I'll always remember. Yellow sport coat. Him, not me.   :(

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

In the summer of 2000, Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow came to NYC during an acoustic Posies tour. After the show, I chatted with Auer who informed me they'd be opening for Big Star in NOLA for New Year's Eve. I figured if by October I didn't have concrete plans for that evening, I'd fly down and make the show. I did.

The show was stellar. And despite Alex Chilton's mercurial reputation, he warmed up to the adoring audience early, going as far as performing "Auld Lang Syne" at the stroke of midnight and later stopping the show to tell some jokes while graciously acknowledging the fervent applause garnered throughout the set.

As the house lights went up, The Replacements' "Alex Chilton" came over the PA and filled the room with its reminder to "never travel far / without a little Big Star." For those of us that a guiding Star brought from as far as Nashville, Athens and even New York, it was a lesson already well learned in advance.

RIP, Alex Chilton.