Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Future Bullshit

Last year it was the stimulus:
And yet the GOP, in fighting Obama every step of the way and publicly hoping he'll fail, has foolishly put itself in the position of having to stand there while Obama (whether one thinks he deserves it or not) will be reaping all the credit for something that the very philosophy of their political party dictates would happen ANYWAY. All this instead of going along with some things and letting themselves be there in the end-zone with Obama and having things at a kind of a tie ballgame.
Of course, since then the Republicans have been running from district to district taking photo-ops of comically over-sized checks and patting themselves on the back for the jobs created from the stimulus they fought so hard to make not happen. Or, in some cases, trying to secretly beg for more money from DC, all while bad-mouthing the whole thing.

So it will fun to watch how they do the same thing with healthcare reform come election time. Of course the hatred and vitriol spewed during the healthcare "debate" and their tripling down on "NO!!!" made the stimulus discussion look like kittens licking flowers, but between the GOP's utter lack of shame (along with the hope that all video/internet suddenly disappears) when it comes to bold-faced lying plus their constituents blissfully eager to swallow up whatever bullshit they hear from them gives me high hopes of them pulling it off. Godspeed!

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