Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beatle Flicks

Movie makers seem to be very interested in John Lennon's life BEFORE The Beatles, as it looks like there's another movie coming out about that period.
There is exciting news for American fans about "Nowhere Boy," the new movie about John's teenage years and the formation and early days of the Beatles.

Beatles News can now confirm, it is official, the film is to be released in the USA on Friday October 8th, to coincide with the big celebrations that weekend of the 70th anniversary of John's birth, October 9th.

I wonder when the definitive 1963-1969 Beatles movie is gonna be made. I mean I know those years are incredibly well-documented already, but, as I mentioned HERE, there's so much there that you should be able to make an incredibly compelling 2 1/2 hour flick. It would have everything in it.

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