Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blogging: Still Sucks.

Blogs will never be taken seriously until they're called something else. It's tough to say the word "blog" without throwing up in my mouth a little bit. Which is ironic, cause people saying that something makes them "throw up in my mouth a bit" usually makes me wanna blog about how I sliced their head off and left it in my freezer. "Blog" in and of itself is a goofy word, and blogging as a viable way of communication/entertainment will not be taken seriously until we come up with something else. Think about it, did you take faggots seriously before they were re-named seacrests? Prolly not.
I've had over 7,500 posts since I wrote that in September 2008, and the word "blog" still makes me wince. We need to fix this problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why not stop blogging altogether and go where the audience is: Facebook or Twitter? The automatic editing might also be helpful.