Thursday, April 22, 2010

Charlies Daniels: Enlightened, Enigmatic Cat

For some reason, he loves Canada.

Sure he's spent most of his time between heart attacks reminding us that socialism is the devil's oven mitts, and that the more Obama pushes us to it, the more our chances of shooting the planet off it's axis and into the Sun increase. But the ratio of "Socialism = Hitler x Hitler x The Eagles x Death Squared" posts to somewhat mildly sane posts before today stood at 18,292 to 0. And now that has changed to 18,292 to 1. I mean, tomorrow when I go to see what Charlie has posted, I won't be able to help myself from pausing for a second and shake my head, wondering "what the hell is this unpredictable wizard gonna say today that's gonna completely blow my mind?"

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