Monday, April 26, 2010


You know I loves me some Neil Simon, as I've written HERE. Today in New York Magazine I saw an article about him in which he mentions that the reason he's always been compelled to try to be funny is that he never made his father laugh.

I don't particularly play into or believe in pop psychology, but the only time I saw my father laugh was while listening to Bill Cosby's Himself, as I wrote about HERE. He wasn't an asshole like Simon's father was, he just wasn't particularly inclined to be goofy and look around for shit to laugh at.

I can't say I'm the funniest person I know, but I'm the only person I know who is very open about how important it is to myself to make people laugh, which I thought about when my mind tied all of this together today (the same day The Cosby Show pilot, most of which was taken directly from that Cosby album came on TV Land)  :)

The Cos and Neil Simon, all-time Xmastime favorites.

On a side note, if you Google image search Bill Cosby, Neil Simon, this pops up. Hmm.

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