Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I guess Sniffy's jagoff replacement in Alaska has caused a ruffle by taking on the federal government's decision to force people to buy gym memberships.

Of course, such a thing doesn't actually exist, but that's what makes it so much fun. The irony is that if the government DID force people to go to the gym every day, healthcare costs would drop. I realize it makes me somewhat left of those pictures of thousands of North Koreans goose-stepping their way through calisthenics to suggest that the government declaring that from 11am to noon every day the entire country has to do jumping jacks might not be the single worst thing in the world, and obviously I won't pretend to suggest even the remote possibility of it ever happening. But maybe instead of creating fear about government takeovers that don't exist, people can say "hey, quit taking gym class out of schools, my kid is turning into a fucking pile of blubber."

And of course the one state that needs a fat intervention more than anybody? Alaska. Hey, makes sense, fat fucks like the cold, makes 'em (us) sweat less.

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