Tuesday, April 06, 2010

In the Day We Sweat it Out in the Gym

This being another year of our Lord means trotting out the same 'ol "Bruce had an affair with a gym buddy" story. And this chick HERE cheekily thanks Bruce for not choking us with a lineup of Nazi-inked porn whores and texts that I wish I have written in my lifetime.

Of course I think this is nonsense, just another "pay me to shut up" attempt.


I remember one time I some random friend of mine got to meet Bruce backstage after the show. And one of the things this person, whoever he was, you'll probably never find out because he doesn't make a big deal out of having met Bruce Springsteen, he certainly doesn't think it will impress you into thinking he is awesome, noted backstage (when he was being led to meet The Boss)(and the Boss' mother)(and sister)(and Uncle Juan) that there was treadmill, which was dragged around the globe for Clarence Clemons to have at his disposal. Which begs the question.

Why the fuck is Bruce Springsteen going to a gym? I'm pretty sure he could afford some equipment and a trainer to come by the house that he shares with his lovely wife, (who offered my friend a glass of wine, which he of course is way too humble to ever bring up in conversation to you) right? Wtf?



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