Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Is This Kid 18? Cause I Wanna Call Her Sniffy Jr, But Don't Wanna Be Less-Than-Classy.

Bristol Palin has been getting shit from everywhere because of her double standard PSA about abstinence:
But the next time she films an anti-teen pregnancy PSA—and we hope there is a next time—she may want to try for a more compelling message than, "I'm privileged, so it's OK that I got pregnant, but you're not, so don't." (We paraphrase...but just barely.)
"What if I didn't come from a famous family?" she asks in the 30-second spot for the Candie's Foundation. "What if I didn't have all their support? What if I didn't have all these opportunities? Believe me, it wouldn't be pretty.
While the chutzpah is amazing, both in it being made in the first place as well as it's content, the sad thing is Bristol isn't wrong. If you're rich and famous, you CAN have a kid and not be up shit's creek. You can also probably get out of a DUI, or into a college or land some snazzy job thanks to a phone call from a family member. Poor people usually cannot do these things, including have a kid without being completely fucked, but Bristol Palin can.

Nice of her for the warning, I think.

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