Friday, April 30, 2010


Apparently the higher-ups at the mining accident in West Virginia are offering the families of the deceased $3M each. Even though this is their opening offer, I'd snatch that money up toute suite in exchange for keeping my mouth shut. I mean, Massey's mines only had 515 safety citations in 2009, and the mine that killed 2 miners in Kentucky yesterday had 40 orders to close in 2009, so I don't really see how a case could possibly be built against the mines. I don't really know where you'd start - "sometimes the bosses yelled at us?" The lawyer would hafta be Stormy Weathers plus Atticus Finch pulling a rabbit outta your hat, shouting "look! It's Batman!" and pointing wildly out the window to win a case like that. Take the money and STFU!!!!

"Take the miners case? Are you fucking crazy?"

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