Friday, April 23, 2010

Newest Xmastime Series: I Really Wanna Fucking Punch This Little Shit.

I really fucking hate this  kid. Maddox, Pax, whichever the fuck one he is. This asshole wins the adoption lottery and instead of worrying about getting eaten alive by a snake in some hut that's melting from the heat, he gets to spends his days "accidentally" peeking up Angelina's skirt. Asshole. He probably still breastfeeds, that's why she's so skinny. If I got adopted it'd probably be by Rosie O'Donnell, who would make me watch her scissorfight some other pig while polishing off a tub of buffalo wings and screaming "who ate all my goddam Oreo Doublestuffs!??!!?!" Oh, and when he gets old enough he'll get to bang every coozehoud in the country in exchange for letting them come over and spin the pea in Brad's coat closet. Look at him - he's a fucking asshole. First Pearl Harbor, and now you have the fucking onions to stick your tongue out at me? Put that tongue back in your fucking mouth before I rip it out and use to paint "USA! USA!" on your stupid fucking face. Fucking asshole. I really wanna fucking punch this little shit.

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