Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Of Course.

From the Drudge Report:

Of course. My only surprise is it took them so long to come up with this (3.5 hours.)

And it's easy to see their point. I mean, I don't know what's more European - is it the fact that it says "United States of America" and "Federal reserve" twice each? Or that it has a huge rendering of the head of one of the first and greatest all-time Americans? Or maybe it's the fact that the bills can only be used, you know, to buy goods and services IN the United States?

Obviously this is yet another way for Obama to shove us into a more European, socialist system. If I was you, the only thing I'd use these commie bills for is buying shovels to dig a hole to hide my guns from him. Hey, we flipped the fuck out when the $20 changed it's look under Dubya, so this is only fair.

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