Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paper Scraps of Memories

I don't keep momentos or have a scrapbook, and I've never really gone to "concerts" or anything you get tickets to get into, but I just stumbled on a little batch of tickets in a pile in a desk drawer, so I thought I'd take a look at them, in the order they are stacked.

1. NY Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox, May 31, 1998 - it was like 200 degrees, and I had just moved into 100 Metro. One of the dudes I went with was so hung over complete strangers were offering water/aspirin. Got our asses beat like 13-3, I think it was Pettitte vs Pedro. Tho now that I think about it, I'm not even sure Pedro was in Boston yet.

2. Soul Asylum, at Tramps May 15, 1998 - their album had just come out and it was pretty awful even though I can remember desperately wanting it to be awesome. I also almost dropped in on the train tracks at Union Square on the way home. Show was great, since they're still the greatest live band in the world, but a few too many new cuts that kinda stunk. I remember Dave Pirner tripping on something and rolling onto the stage as they walked on, and then accidentally hitting Dan Murphy with something and Murphy looking hurt while calmly saying "hey man."

3. Red Sox/Mets at Fenway, June 6, 1998 -  first Greyhound bus ride from NYC in my now prestigious bus-riding career. I remember there were about three other people on the bus, I was like "this is awesome!!" Definetely the last time that thought entered my head on the bus. We rolled up after the first inning, got a coupla tickets about 15 rows behind Mo Vaughn at first base for only $16 each. Don't remember much of the game itself, but I do remember heckling some Mets fans not even being the best team in their own city.

4. Bruce at the Meadowlands, July 18, 2003 - Raining so he kicked it off with Who'll Stop the Rain. Was an Xmastime-heavy set, with My Love Will Not Let You Down and Ties That Bind in the beginning, Bobby Jean and Land of Hope and Dreams near the end. Op and I would spend hours every day carefully calculating what that night's set would be, and I feel like I got one of the audibles right this night, tho I can't remember what. I don't have a ticket from the first time I saw Bruce, but that's cause when you're a personal guest of Mr. Springsteen and join him backstage, there is no need to buy a ticket, especially if you meet his mom and sister and uncle and wife as well. But you'll never find out about that anyways, so don't even bother asking, cause that ain't something I care to tell people about.

5. NY Yankees vs. SF Giants, June 8, 2002 - out in the bleachers, roasting. I remember being within yards of Mariano for a stretch. I don't know if Bonds hit one out that day, but Op and I saw him hit one out at Shea the year before.

6. Marah at the Stone Pony, Dec 12, 2001 - oh my. This one started with some chicks in a car, a bottle of bourbon, ended with me on a  train back to NY thanks to the men in blue at Asbury Park, and in the middle had me trying to sneak in as a member of Steve Earles band after having been kicked out about 4 seconds into Marah's show. This should probably get it's own post.

7. Marah at the Khyber, November 11 2000 - if there ever was a "golden moment" of my being a fan of Marah, this weekend would be it. They were at the absolute peak of the Kids in Philly tour, and blew the fucking roof off the place three straight nights. During the day we'd walk around Philly, it was a PERFECT fall weekend. Rylo, me, the Gnat. I can't remember if Op came? Maybe? I bought the Beatles Anthology book and ate about 40 cheesesteaks at Pats (I'd eat one of those crappy Geno's ones while in line for Pats.) I remember Serge calling me up  to sing Amazing Grace with them when the show ended, and while onstage Serge asked me if I was single, so I thought "I'm getting laid tonight!!" Next thing I knew I was still standing there as the janitor was sweeping up, house lights on full blast. A great weekend. Top 3 or so "rock times" of my life.

8. NY Yankees vs. Seattle Mariners, April 30, 1998 - the day I fell in love with the Yankees. I've blathered on and on about on Xmastime many times before. Also, the day I've met my roommate, which wouldn't normally be that important except for the fact that we've lasted longer than most marriages. And entire school careers. And all American wars combined.

9. Soul Asylum, Tramps September 11, 1999 - fucking AMAZING show. I guess they were still pushing that last record, but by this point they had stopped bothering to play it and it was a like a greatest hits night, and they fucking cranked. I remember meeting Pirner and being surprised how tall he was.

10. NY Yankees vs. Atlanta Braves July 16, 1999 - I think this was right around when John John disappeared, I seem to remember that being announced or something. Chipper hit one out. Went with the crew from West Group, a company I did not work at but was The Mayor of, as I'd breeze in every day at 4 and go around the office yammering to folks. Great facilities too. Don't recall much of the game.

11. Marah at the TLA March 24, 2000 - first ever Marah show, I'm sure I've blathered about it plenty already, including HERE.

12. Marah opening for Steve Earle  at the Roxy July 19, 2000 - quick set, followed by Steve-O, most of which I vaguely ignored. I do remember meeting Dave after his set, and immediately launching into my Tim is a better album than Let it Be rant. I'm sure he was thrilled. Op mute beside me at parade rest, just like when we met Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen (don't even ask, beeyotch.)

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