Saturday, April 10, 2010

Slow Donnie GOP

The GOP prides itself on being the party of Constitution lovers who adhere to "family values."

So father-of-four David Vitter, still reeking from the latest trip to his favorite prostitution ring, gets greeted with a standing ovation.

And Ron Paul suggests actually following the Constitution and gets wildly booed.

Surely these people can't keep this up much longer, can they? I mean, how long until finally they crack and give up the ghost, "we're just kidding, ya'll" and get back to being relatively sane? I mean, surely this is a joke, right?


Anonymous said...

rat bastards come in every political and religious color and flavor. We are all prone to temptation but those in public office hold a higher responsibility to act in the best interest of their families. If they choose to fall it is only a matter of time before someone one outs their asses. Let the chips fall where they may. Hope they are strong enough to handle the public humiliation, apolgize, and make things right.

The Gnat said...

No comment on teh politics (of 75% of your posts), but Slow Donnie was a genius episode.

Xmastime said...

AND that's whatshername from Whos the Boss - Mrs. Rossini or sumpin?