Monday, April 05, 2010


I finally caught (most of) Oliver Stone's W. last night, and it was exactly what I thought it would be: very entertaining. I mean, it's very easy to imagine that sitting in on meetings with Bush walking around the room popping off nicknames and saying dumb stuff would be a fun thing to do. Bush was a horrible president, but he doesn't seem boring to hang out with.

Him calling his dad "Poppy" was unnerving for a grown man. And the Daddy issues thing was too much over and over. Tho his "I wanna get into baseball" line reminded me of being in 9th grade and trying to tell my dad my grades didn't matter as I was planning on playing in the NBA. Bush's dad reacted the same as mine: "are you out of your gd mind?"

And the insistence on stuffing in every single anti-Bush trope no matter how unnatural was exhausting. We all know Cheney got 5 deferments, but I doubt it would be thrown in his face in a matter-of-fact "eff you" way in front of everybody. And I REALLY doubt it would be Colin Powell who would say such a thing.

A fun flick. And Brolin was great, hard to believe he wasn't the first choice to play Bush (Christian fucking Bale? Really?) Nails the swagger, and I must say his scenes of Bush as "super Jesus-y" might be his best.

If you hated Bush, you'll knowingly guffaw with every malaprop, and if you loved Bush you'll scream at how biased/conspiratorial Stone is. Cutting everything by about a half is probably closest to the truth. A light romp about a shoulda-been light life thrust into a heavy place, replayed now as a shoulda-been heavy, deep life via a light romp. Or something like that.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

In any other director's hands it would've been a small triumph, but for one of Stone's caliber W lacks some oomph: it came off rushed and feels too compressed; it needed at least another 30 mins running time, IMHO.