Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wall of Nonsense

I posted last year about Joe Sestak HERE.

Arlen Spector, whom I'm still very impressed with for having sold us on the single-bullet-theory, is apparently pounding Sestak's supposedly having missed 120+ votes in the Senate.

I don't know if Sestak didn't vote because he's a complete douchebag, or because it was clear his vote at any particular point wouldn't make a difference, or whatever. But I do think it's a good time to revisit what I mentioned HERE re: the absurdity that in today's age of technology we still have some weird, arcane "you hafta physically be here to vote" rule in the Senate. It's almost creepy in some sort of "you can only touch my boobies if we watch Grey's Anatomy" kinda way. I mean, camon.

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