Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yes, We Can.

Used my new VISA debit card for the first time. To me, all I was doing was using it at my convenience at one of over 9,550 locations nationwide, offering myself the convenience of a checking account along with the security of receiving a checking account statement that details my purchases, including merchant name, location, date and amount, so it's easy to see where my money goes. So don't start with that eye-watering "Xmastime, you're a hero!"/"Xmastime, you are changing the face of America as we know it!" bullshit, cause I'll just roll my eyes "whatevs." Hey, it's still me. I'm the same ol' guy - I still pull off your skinny Jordache jeans one pant-leg at a time, so calm down with this "hero" shit already.

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