Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Album Thoughts Part II

It was always George Martin's policy that the first and last song on each side of a record should be strong - I think he called them an albums sign posts. Of course that doesn't matter these days since Steve Jobs simply sends songs to our minds via his death ray, but I thought I'd check out my favorites of each category from my favorite bands (same ones from yesterday.) Let's start with the last song of side 2, ie album ender, shall we?

Jesus. This one's tough. I'm gonna change my mind about 20 times before I post this.
Animal Boy: Something to Believe In
Also Pretty Awesome: Today your Love Tomorrow the World, It's a Long Way Back, Everytime I Eat Vegetables It Makes Me Think of You

Tim: Here Comes a Regular
Also Pretty Awesome: Raised in the City, Heyday, Answering Machine, Can't Hardly Wait, Darlin' One. Jesus, these dudes knew how to end a fucking album.

Sgt Pepper: A Day in the Life
Also Pretty Awesome : Twist and Shout, Tomorrow Never Knows, Good Night, Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End (yes, I aint counting Her Majesty)

Born to Run: Jungleland
Also Pretty Awesome: Reason to Believe, My City of Ruins

The Clash: Garageland
Also Pretty Awesome: All the Young Punks, Train in Vain

Angels of Destruction: Wilderness
Also Pretty Awesome: Limb, This Town, Out in Style

Life's Rich Pageant: Superman
Also Pretty Awesome: Its the End of the World as We Know It, I'm Gonna DJ til the End of the World.  Surprisingly weak pool to choose from here.

None. The Huskers liked to end albums "artfully." Hmm.

While You Were Out
: Passing Sad Daydream
Also Pretty Awesome: Heavy Rotation, The Sun Maid, I Did My Best

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

George Martin's m.o. became the standard for the next 20 years until CDs made album sequencing similar to putting together a set list. Now...who knows?