Monday, May 31, 2010

Enough's Fucking Enough Already.

Yesterday I rolled my eyes re: Sniffy kicking off the Memorial Day Waterworks Olympics HERE. Apparently she also dropped this tweet using the same poem, and this dude here at Gawker busts her for "plagiarizing," as she leaves it uncredited.

In her defense, on the Facebook thingee she does not pass it off as her own, and she probably assumes that if you're dumb enough to follow her tweets then you prolly are a fan of her FB "notes" too, and rightfully so in my mind.


I am going to make this really clear for you people:

1) I really, REALLY would do anything to get up in her guts. One night, some sleazy hotel in bumfuck USA, is all I ask. She would twist my dick up in knots and I would make it so her dipshit dogsledding husband can hear her fall the way from the Areola Borealis. I would fucking whip that ass around the room so hard her fat kid would get pregnant again.

2) If you for one second take anything this woman says about "freedom" and "veterans" etc seriously, then you're a fucking idiot. And I don't mean that in a "Xmastime's zingin' ya!" kind of way, I mean that in a you are a complete fucking retard and you need to give whoever is slowly reading these words out loud to you a quarter to punch you in the fucking brain kind of way. I mean, seriously, enough's enough.

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