Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Hangover

I just became the last American male to see The Hangover. Was about exactly what I expected.

But it honestly IS impossible to even look at Zach Galifianakis without laughing, isn't it?


The Loser said...

You were not alone, my friend: count me in there, too.

My verdict: It was OK; certainly not as good as it was made out to be.

Anonymous said...

it was stupid and inane, juvenile but mostly embarrassing to watch...on a the front row... with another couple.
Who SITS in the front row besides teenagers? These dudes are cracking up like kids, and I am completely horrified and disgusted at these horrible close ups, Filth... ( 'cept for the tooth...and a few other retarded scenes) oh....and at the end? The nudity was so stupid I was disgusted at my date's lack of judgement and consideration for my prudity.

Sr. Gee