Friday, May 28, 2010

Leon Black!

“Turn that shit around on em.. Topsy Turvy that Motha Fucka!” - Leon, Curb Your Enthusiasm

It looks like Sniffy Wiffy's newest neighbor is now saying that HE'S the one being stalked:
"I am not taking video or photos and I found two people in my yard who were walking over trying to take a picture over the fence and I told them that they had to leave, so in a way, I am serving as a king of a buffer."
Of course while this little soap opera looks like it will be fun to watch all summer, the fact is there's no way in hell Sniffitty doesn't win this pretend battle. Nobody plays the victim better than her; if she was The Colonel she'd be running around tv crying that chickens were taking up all the space in her deep fryers. I mean seriously, if we were sitting around in the Palin War Room and brainstorming re: "how can we make it look like some dude is trying to destroy us and really send the Victim Sirens blaring?", the best we could possibly come up with would be "have some liberal lame-stream media guy hunker down next door and claim he's peeping into Willow's Nancy Drew underoos drawer." She really couldn't have scripted this better.

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