Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh, Rand.

I see Rand Paul is now making headlines by trying to squeeze out of his Meet the Press appearance this Sunday. I guess he's learned the most important lesson of being a mascot of the Tea Party: trying to say anything of actual substance will only fuck you up. Doing his little tap-dance trying to unravel the Civil Rights Act in a way to please Tea Partiers belies the fact that while Tea Partiers are great at making a bunch of noise and acting angry, they really have no ideas about anything in particular they want done in DC. Much like when these people scream they wanna "cut spending!!" and then take umbrage when asked what specific things they'd cut from the federal budget (with the exception of a wizard Facebook friend of mine whose idea to solve unemployment is to fire half the Federal government. hmm), Paul needs to remember that his job now is to throw around vagaries about "loving freedom," trashing "Washington insiders," and in general just being "pissed off!!" at the gub'ment he now desperately wants to be an internal part of. It's pretty simple, doctor: stupid people like to hear stupid things. Don't sprain your brain over the next few months, and you'll be fine.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you would prefer a strictly liberal government then, and see no place for opinions which run contrary to those held by your constutients?
Obviously, various parties existin our democracy because of viewpoints and beliefs which run contrary to each other. Each party has it's legitimate debatable issues which need representation in government. To do away with this system and embrace liberalism wholly, without question, without knowledge and consideration of the integral concerns of each party is to abort Starship Enterprise and allow for alien entry and take-over. Do you read me, Scotty, or have we lost you?

Nerdhappy said...

@Anon, he's saying that yelling "FREEDOM!" and "AMERICA!" are not viable political platforms, and that the whole tea party movement is just a stupid rally with no actual agenda.

This post isnt about liberals vs conservatives, it's about stupid conservatives, which i'm sure you realize does not imply that all conservatives are stupid.

Xmastime said...

wow, Anonymous. that's quite a leap in...well, we'll call it "logic" to save time.

SUCH aleap that I can only suppose it to be a joke, as ironically it is the Tea Party that is unapologetic in its dictum of "if you stray even one hair from our 'thoughts' and 'beliefs' we will release the hounds and swarm your ass like locusts."

or some sort of auto-bot meant to paste this meme into any blog than mentions Rand. but if not, i look forward to your next leap into complete batshit. mazal tov! :)

Anonymous said...

NH- The tea party movement did not come about without 'just cause' but to protest proposed programs and agenda of this current administration which were felt to be against the interests of participants. Mr.X here with his sweeping generalizations re: the intellect of participants is sadly typical of those who have no clue nor interest in finding out about the agenda of TP before hurling insults. While Mr. X asserts his logic with sarcastic flair he is nontheless lacking any information to debate tea party issues and falls back on his sexual prowress, charm, wit, and insults. Bandwagon mentality. I am not saying ALL teapartiers are of the same political party and certainly many are unable to articulate their beliefs impressively. While we generally rely upon eloquent politicians to represent our platforms, there will be folks who are gifted speakers (xmastime?)and yet not completly prepared or groomed to answer every single question in the swift and self assured manner which is expected of politicians. Some feel the need to explain their positons and in doing so, may lose credibility for lack of political saavy and schpeal. Rand Paul has his faults, and as expected and demonstrated here in Mr. X post, and will be raked over the coals by those who are far less capable to compete in the in the arena of ideas.
No joke, X.

Xmastime said...

that's wonderful. you wanna feel sorry for Ron Paul because the big, bad, lefty-elitist "lamestream media" jumps on him when he says something like he'd have no problem with a company hiring/not hiring based on skin color, thats your thing. and I'm sure you can reconcile the Tea Party's absence in the years leading up to January 20, 2009 in your own head. but you still havent explained the leap from "Xmastime believes the TP message to be hollow" to "Xmastime demands every corner of government be covered ONLY by people that think exactly like him!!!!"

i suppose anyone "hurling insults" at the TP is without clue or knowledge, but not anyone hurling the same insults at me. thats interesting. i appreciate you find mer sexy, though. (Blake?)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for sometime now, Mr. X, and get your humor. Of course I have no time for the graphic portrayal of women in teensy stinky apparel, but have found some of your earlier work interesting, especially having to do with your early years and information on the Civil War and Revolutionary wars, and the stuff pertaining to food and interesting documentaries. The music is also nice. It's just this problem you have when you get going with the political rants which puts my undies in a pinch. not a nice thing for the elderly woman.

As for today, I was just offput by your Randy thing and by the nasty daggers in your back pocket for everyone who opposes your views politically. you know it's true. It's one thing to disagree but ew and pu...some of your thoughts are plain nasty and judgements without merit. I was just disappointed, that's all. You know, I actually took the time to write a nice wikipedia for you and now regret that I had not posted a partental warning. It's not that you are inherantly nasty, you have a warm caring side but when it comes to arguing politics you are profane,sarcastic, and misinformed or maybe just limited in your news sources. I am not Blake whoever that is. I am an old woman, and at first thought you were much older gentleman and that you cared about us. Sniffy included. I was quickly briefed by a fellow reader that you are in fact in your mid 30s and felt immediatly sick as if going after a child.

as I recovered my moral senses, I returned to find you ranting on about Sarah Palin as if she were the devil in silk stockinettes. Once again I was appalled. Here I hought you were fair, but you speak horribly of people you don't even know, disparaging comments which are on my last nerve and break my feeble heart. Of course, this is your right.

As for the outspoken Rand, there are all kinds of people of all race-color-creed-gender-weight and general ugliness factions who, when turned down or 'let go' from a job for which they may not be qualify or for whatever reason do not present as likely candidate will play that card. I have seen it happen. Companies loose LOTS of money to this card players and some are insured but others wind up out of business. Poeple play that card when they are fired as well. Off to court you go. OK...Rand doesn't feel that government ought to force any business owner into hiring a person reggrdless of whether that person is or is not qualified for that job. Now there are employers who are clearly racist. Rand does not believe that any company ought to go to court over this, primarily because oompanys lose money to these people over settlements. My GF wound up with a HEFTY settlement when after being let go for one thing, she complained that they fired her onaccounta her hefty weight and age. Rand is also opposed to government involvement, because it puts employers in a position to overlook a qualified person in favor of the person who may also be qualified but happen to be of a different skin color etc etc etc.
okay sonny. call it a day. to hell with it all. carry on dagger boy.

Xmastime said...

Anonymous I like your earnestness, and the fact that if I read it right you're an old lady with a girlfriend, although that might be wrong, but the bottom line is you can't argue "the Tea Party is a bandwagon of cluelessness" with "no, YOU'RE a bandwagon of cluelessness!!!" You need to come up with something better than that or, as my nemesis Marley is fond of saying, "bring the funny." Obviously we're on opposite sides here and pointing while yelling "nanana boo boo stick your head in doo doo!" is a waste of time.

the TP isn't some brand new phenomenon of which nobody knows anything about, theyve been going on for over a year now, and they're very open what theyre about - although Im still waiting for that "Thank You Obama!!" parade re: people payest the lowest in taxes since 1950, but then I took a nap for 30 minutes last Tuesday, so maybe I missed it.

good luck with Rand Paul, if nothing else he's proven he's entertaining. well, until now, after which Im guessing he'll stick to the pre-approved bromides of "Freedom's great!" "DC insiders, like the family I grew up in, really suck!", as my post advises him. and god forbid he piss Sniffy-Wiffy off!!!!!!!

and thanks as always for reading


Anonymous said...

i just wish I owned one nice bandwagon, from which I could operate a mobile soup kitchen and pedicure/massage/medical service, but I am clueless as to where I can get one. maybe a tent pole and some tarp.

Unknown said...


Xmastime said...

will be even funnier when Rand Paul stops accepting Medicaid from his patients. surely the government has no place in his business?

but back to important things - how's my Wikipedia entry coming along? need some childhood pics? ;)

Anonymous said...

Tarp. What? Ground cover and tent. 'Comfort Calls' need not require beyond the essentials for start up.

Government has no place in controlling business, in as far as who they hire or fire. (I think 2 billion paid out by Novartis to 5400 women for gender biased firings, while a windfall for these women, a little steep for Novartis). Women will not be pushes around, nor should the people who are dependant upon Ciad for medical care. I'd like to see these people compensated in court for shabby treatment by caregivers. We shall she.
Back to MDs and Mecdicaid. As far as payment for services rendered, this can come from whichever source is willing to pay. The doctor accepting Medicaid is offering his services below his usual fee. For whatever reason, the doctor who refuses to accept Medicad is losing business, losing customers, losing respect from the lower income group. Does he care? Probably not. He is taking care of his business, his employees first and evidently does not feel that he is in a position to HAVE to accept medicaid. The doctors and business who can and do accept Caid are generally functioning in a group, have a good sized patient base with various forms of payments coming in. WHatever their personal character, they have the ability/stability to stay in business while waiting on the payments from Caid.

AS far as your Wikipedia thing. You just do what you will with it. take it to your friend Marley and have him critique it for truth. Add your own pictures. I have done all I can but will continue to keep you in my prayers, young man.
I think you show promise as long as you can learn to find humor in yourself (sans the sex and toilet talk). You look better these days. Exercising I hope. Add more fiber to your diet, and lean more towards water for hydration, Especially in the summer months. Alcohol does not suit you well at all.You can call me Jemma.

Anonymous said...

i read back my response to yours just now and see that it is littered with typos. Please try to overlook my flaws as I am typind vigorousy with one hand while the other refuses to move a finger from the old mouse. That didn't sound right but I am old. :-0