Friday, May 21, 2010


Apparently, Sniffy might actually be more popular and welcome on Xmastime than she is in her home state of whateverthefuck that state's called:
I don't give a damn about her." -Wally Hickel 1919-2010
Half-Governor Sarah Palin crashed twice-Governor Wally Hickel's funeral today. Trust me, if Sarah Palin was paying her respects, the check would bounce. The guest list was impressive with many Alaskan dignitaries. And then there was Palin with her daughter Piper, the 8-year-old human shield, in tow.... 
Today, Sarah Palin darkened the door of a funeral. Wally didn't give a damn about her and most Alaskans don't either. She represents herself, and she does that badly.
The Anchorage Daily News reported Palin's comments, "Our state has lost a great leader. What he has left behind will have changed all of our lives, and he spoke so often about energy and security, and energy and prosperity and the nation, and we must not forget that."   
Really, Sarah?
You cherry-picked Hickel's positions to support your own. You shill for BP and beg legitimacy from a man you only considered a rung on your ladder to wealth. He wasn't afraid of oil companies-he forced them to pay $1.8 billion in back taxes. Wally Hickel summoned execs and leveraged Exxon for $1 billion in damages to buy land and fund SCIENCE in an effort to recover Prince William Sound. You chant "Drill, Baby, Drill" and embarrass us with your lack of depth and understanding to the true loss Alaskans faced from the Exxon Valdez spill.  
Wally Hickel put more restrictions on oil exploration then Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will ever consider. Hickel was an environmentalist. He helped launch Earth Day in 1970. He put seven whales on the Endangered Species List. He ceased aerial wolf hunting because HE LISTENED TO ALASKANS! He believed in workers' rights-his Hotel Captain Cook is a UNION HOTEL! His children were not props. He loved people of all colors, and believed humans were exceptional.
Hickel would have never said "We're all Arizonans". Wally Hickel was part of the human race. He spent the last few years trying to help the government of Sudan see their natural resource ownership potential to overcome poverty. His philosophy of "owner state" would be labeled "socialism" by those who Sarah pals around with. 
Palin's legacy is that of a sell-out and quitter. Today is as close as she will ever be to such a celebration of life.
Sarah loves Sarah.
Wally loved people.
The People loved Wally.
Rest In Peace.
This would be like when Gore lost Tennessee, except Alaska has -4 electoral votes.

Hey, that's okay, Sniffster. I still love you, baby! Fuck those h8ers! Plenty of room in my bedroom for you!! (splashing on some Canoe cologne)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All's fair in love, war, and funerals.