Saturday, May 01, 2010

Replacements Podcast

Aquarium Drunkard HERE gives a link to a podcast of two people spending an hour going through the Replacements' career, as heard HEARD HERE.

Nothing new at all, there's not really anything in here The Gnat and I couldn't have spoken about 15-20 years ago, nothing in here you don't get from Azzerad's Our Band Could Be Your Life. Also, if you're presenting yourself as experts on the band maybe you know that Bastards of Young (not Bastards of THE Young as these people keep calling it) WAS indeed played on the SNL appearance. And for the same reason, hearing one of the podcasters say they weren't really familiar with Husker Du makes them a bit suspect. But if you love the Replacements and literally knew nothing about them other than the songs themselves, this is an okay start to winding through their years as a band.

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