Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sir Newt

Newt Gingrich is touted as "The Idea Guy" of the Right, and right now his "Big Idea" seems to be putting out a book based on the idea that Obama is a Nazi looking to hurl the Earth into the Sun and then go around on tv with a case Obamanesia:
The former Speaker walked back the entire premise of his book. “The whole question of the scale of change has nothing to do with Obama,” he said. 

Later in the hour-long interview, Gingrich backtracked even further. “I’m not here saying Obama is the bad guy and if he wasn’t there things would be good.” Soon after, the Register editor called Gingrich out:
DMR EDITOR: I was really taken aback by something you just said, in that “I”m not here saying Obama is the bad guy.” In your book you say, “The President’s secular socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.” That sure sounds like you think he’s a bad guy with bad ideas.
Gingrich again tried to distance himself from the fiery rhetoric in his book, simply saying that the “secular socialist machine” is taking over “traditional America” without linking Obama to it.
Obviously I think Newt is simply trying to sell books to people stupid enough to fall for his "I'm a genius, let's move forward to 1994!" nonsense, but basically this whole post was an excuse to link it to one of Sir Charles' greatest quotes about a book of his own:
On being misquoted in his autobiography: "That was my fault. I should have read it before it came out."
When's he kicking off his campaign for governor?!?!?!

More Charles greatness HERE.


Anonymous said...

“The President’s secular socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did."

Twisting, twisting, twisting the words around...Newt is speaking about a man with a plan which he believes to be as much of a threat to America AS Nazi Germany once was. He is not calling Obama a Nazi. One would have to read the book to find out HOW he thinks Obama's plan is a threat before drawing conclusions which are clearly designed to confuse your reader into making judgments about this Newt's character. Clarify how Newt is not completely anti-Obama but in opposition to his plans and how exactly they represent a threat to America.

Xmastime said...

actually Anonymous, the point is that in this case you DON’T have to read the book at all to see that Newt is saying one thing for Audience A and another for Audience B. Whether in the book he wrote “Obama is Hitler!” or “Obama’s awesome!” isn’t as important as wondering why Newt is crossing himself up on the airwaves.

Now, as for myself, I’ll sleep fine tonight because I know that Newt could care less if anybody actually reads the book as much as buy it and stand by silently while he goes from tv show to tv show saying whatever he feels at the moment about the book, whether it’s congruent or not. But if I’m one of the people that’s defending him, I’d be a little curious re: why is Newt doing this when I’m here going to bat for him? He’s asking you to blindly defend whatever comes out of his mouth, from any angle, truth (such that it is) be damned.

Your beef if any shouldn’t be with me, it should be with Newt.

Thanks for reading! as usual, if youre hot with big titties, send some pics. ☺