Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Too Bad She Ain't as Hot as Mommy

This is pretty fucking incredible:
Bristol Palin is hitting the speakers' circuit and will command between $15,000 and $30,000 for each appearance, Palin family attorney Thomas Van Flein said Monday.
Has anyone since Mary been made so much of simply for shitting out a kid?

But hey, good for her. Just like her mother, if you're stupid enough to give her your money, then she for damn sure should take it. And only in America will you find people stupid enough not to see the irony in a teenage girl who got knocked up lecturing them on abstinence. They deserve to have their money taken from them. And yet these are the very people that claim they could spend their own money better than the government. Hmm.

I'm gonna buy a dog and learn ventriliquism, and then go around the country getting paid $20,000 for him to lecture people that they shouldn't lick their own balls.


Marley said...

Someday, you'll get the big bucks you deserve when all those folks "Give Til' It Hurts!!!!" to a dude who can't spell "little."

Xmastime said...

saw that, decided fuck it, its part of my charm, leaving it like that!

Marley said...


Xmastime said...
