Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ah, the Endless Search...

...for that perfect jackin' moment.  Sigh. Women, you don't even wanna know our problems.

Course, it's better than getting caught poppin' when dude's face comes (eeewwwwwww!!) onscreen:
3) While we’re on the subject of porn, I’d like to send a note out to all you “directors” out there: knock it off with these prolonged shots of dudes faces! What the fuck?!?!? I’m cruising along, watching a girl getting rammed from behind, enjoying myself, when BAM!! the camera cuts to a close-up of the guy’s face. Who is this for? And then they LEAVE IT THERE for like 20 seconds!!!!!!!!! Baffling. Do these people even understand the reason guys watch these flicks in the first place? It’s bad enough I’ve got my dick in my hand while another guy is even on the screen naked, but these facial close-ups? “OOOoh, look – Ted is enjoying himself! Great!” And there’s nothing worse than investing all that time and energy into it, and you’re about ready for the big payoff and then right as you have liftoff….close up to the guys face. Great. And yes, in case you’re wondering, that does in fact make you gay.
I should give a workshop on this shit.  Also, my grizzly bit at the end was awesome (duh.) 

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