Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Call to No Arms

The whole Rep. Bob Etheridge "assault" thing is gay to me since it looks like he just kinda slovenly mauls and tries to push the dude around which, while creepy and dickheaded, doesn't ring as violent as the word "assault" does. A lot of people legitimately gets assaulted every day, and I really don't consider this guy with the mic one of them. And claiming that he should go to jail is even gayer.

Of course, if you're on the Right this gives you a chance to "gotcha!" demonize Democrats, and you can claim that I'd do the same thing if it was a Republican, that's fair enough.

But is it REALLY fair? I mean, the one Republican any Left-wing plant with a camera has the best chance of provoking into a rage is John McCain, who's temper is legendary. But actually assault, actually hitting the person? Hell no - his arm's couldn't reach, no matter how close he is. It'd be like a T-Rex trying to hug somebody. So camon. Shit's not fair!

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