Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Chicks without Dicks in Politicks

I caught sight of this article via Sully:
If it's true that a lot of the [Tea Party] organizers are women, I think it's likely that some of those women will eventually forge serious political careers, and look back to the early Obama years as the spark that got them started. I hope that it's true; I tend to think it's not very healthy for the nation for one party's pols to be overwhelmingly white men while the other party is far more inclusive. So don't expect 2010 to be a good year for women in politics, but perhaps it will be the year that the Republican Party starts catching up to the Democrats and most of the rest of the world by nominating and electing women.
Bernstein says all this matter-of-factly, seemingly without wondering even for a moment why women would choose the time of the first-ever non-white male being in the White House as the moment to be fed up and say "oh, enough of this horseshit!!", or why this would lead them to of all parties the GOP, which has historically shown itself to be somewhat less than sympathetic to women.

Hey look, it's Mickey Mouse.

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