Tuesday, June 01, 2010


The Lion, The Witch and the Sniffrobe is EN FUEGO TODAY!!!

First she's "outraged!!" at the "evil, lame-stream media!" for apparently not airing the statement they had asked her to give on the McGinniss thing, and even though NBC apologized and offered an on-air interview for The Big Sniff to clear the air, she's pissed! And obviously she should be, since whenever I send NBC a statement to air on The Today Show they air it right away, completely unedited. RARELY do they ever simply offer to interview me - I guess they really ARE evil liars out to destroy the truth!

THEN she comes out and tells us to completely disregard anything you have heard about the Gaza flotilla incident, since it's in the media's best interest to get together in a room somewhere and create a story like oh, I don't know, Israelis are fucking batshit, which could only mean the media is trying to push Obama to NOT say that Israel is the greatest thing since sliced challah. Luckily, if you're like me you don't bother with that lame-stream media bullshit - when I want cold, hard FACTS I go to The Daily Sniff!

Of course, one might wonder that if you distrusted the media so much and had decided everything that came out of it was a lie why you had spent the day talking to NBC, but I would say to that person FUCK YOU YOU ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL, ASSHOLE.

I’d like to believe that it’s not too late to demand integrity from our media. Thank goodness for social networking sites like this and new media sites which have allowed us to get around the “lamestream” media and present the facts. But let this story be another example of why you must seek out facts and truth about anything and everything you see reported today.  - Edward Sniff Murrow ("Good Sniff, and Good Sniff")
We can only hope the Obama Administration does not join the anti-Israel chorus in the aftermath of this staged confrontation. Please, Mr. President, we need to let Israelis know we stand with them in their fight against terrorists and those who arm and support them. America and her ally, Israel, stand by waiting for your response. - Winston Sniffhill

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