Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DT and the Shakes

My first guitar idol (I never even pretended to dream of being as good as Bob Craver, Chris seemed a lot more fun at the time!) the first guitar I ever bought was the red Peavey he played on Smooth Studio Crafted Teen Fodder. Presently sitting in a case under my bed (the only show I played it at ended up sending me to the hospital for a week), every chord I've ever played I learned on that guitar. Was beyond a thrill to finally meet him this weekend; I definitely found myself sounding like a little girl talking to Justin Bieber. Fuck it - an incredible songwriter and guitar player; I wish he would move back to the US so we could use him. Oh yeah, and also seems to be the nicest guy in the world. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!

My dad trained the alter boys at our church when I was a kid, and his prized pupil was Steve. "You boys should be more like the Coghill boy," he'd say. His two favorite things to do back then was to point out how much smarter my brother was than myself and to give weekly announcements re: how tall Steve was. "He's almost 6 feet, boys...what an alter boy!!" Also, my first ever babysitter was his sister Beverly, and the first job I ever got paid for was cutting the grass at his dad's office.  $6! And even then he'd come out and inspect it!!!!    :) Steve wrote Confidant Man, which ended up being Last Thing on the HITS album.

Also, his wonderful mother (who was at the reunion) is illWill's Godmother.

Hey, here they are a million years ago.

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