Thursday, June 03, 2010

Experts, Cheetos and Titties

One thing the fucked up perfect game last night has done is unleash an even higher outbreak of looniness on sports radio talk shows. These shows' hosts seem to perversely enjoy such fan outrage since it allows them to ratchet up their own smugness by decreeing that everybody in the audience "get a life!", painting them as losers for thinking about or caring about such a thing. Although it's okay for the host to have an opinion. This is akin to every host on political talk shows snidely describing bloggers as being covered in Cheetos dust in their tighty-whities in their parent's basement.

People have opinions. At one time, they gathered around the cave to share them. Then the water cooler. And now they have the internet. And yes, that allows for an exponential leap in audience and noise. But two or three decades ago it would seem implausible that you could go on tv for five hours a day blathering about sports, or political minutae. I don't know why these people get upset at the fact that everybody else isn't just staring dumbly into space waiting for the "experts" to insert their words into their brains. You're not a loser because you actually have thoughts and opinions and media has been created for you to allow them to be heard by more than whoever happens to be hanging around your room at the time. But you might be a loser if for some reason you feel threatened or angered by these people existing. I mean, Emeril never seems to be upset that people are in their homes cooking every day. Ava Devine I doubt is too upset people are fucking in their homes. Hey, look who we have here!!

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