Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Fuck the Turtles

I would say this oil leak is putting a black eye on the whole "genius of the free market," no? While pink liberal pussies like me are whining about turtles and birds soaked in oil, surely the free market cowboys see money gushing into the gulf, and yet they seem to be about as useless as tits on a bull in fixing the problem, so much that now they're whining and crying for Obama to do something despite the fact that the whole event was partly caused by insisting that big evil, stupid government had no place in overseeing the drilling in the first place. But yes, now Obama is supposed to step in and bail out all these geniuses, who will simultaneously claim it to be his fault. Of course. And then, after the whole thing is cleaned up, the deregulation/anti-gub'ment march will go on as nothing happened.

On a side note, 18 people have died in the space program the last 50 years, while 11 people died on an oil rig in a single day last month. But hey, the government's just stupid, right?

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