Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Helen Thomas Blues Make a Blogga Wanna Challah

Sully asks what I've been wondering since the whole Helen Thomas thing:
is there a columnist on any American op-ed page who is explicitly against the existence of the state of Israel?
I would think a reporter having to toe the "Israel's the greatest!!!!" line or lose their career would be as dangerous a thing as being an anti-Zionist, but nobody's really sprinting to her defense, are they?

This Israel thing is even stranger than I had thought. Helen Thomas once wrote that Dick Cheney is a complete retard, and nobody batted an eye. And yet she says what I would think to be a perfectly logical antithetical to what's the popular thing to think in the media, and people completely lose their shit. If you think Israel belongs where it is that's fine; but why is it inconceivable to think on the other side? She made a comment, she has an opinion. And don't say "as a reporter she should have no opinions," since you'd be full of shit as it's obvious what's the one opinion you're allowed to have.

Look at Charlie Daniels. Here's a guy that's been very clear that everybody should be like him: American redneck Jesus freak, and yet here he is rooting for Israel to kick Obama's ass. What?

This unwillingness to even let people question the whole thing is a bit odd. I'd say it's un-American, but apparently it isn't. Which I would think would bother all the pocket Constitutional lawyers that have sprung up in the last year more than one lady's opinion on something, but I guess not.


Unknown said...

1. Worldwide guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen.
2. Lots of prominent Jewish donors on both sides of the political divide.
3.Far Right religious fundamentalists who believe Islam is the devil and that having Jews in the Holy Land speeds up the Rapture/Second Coming/Revelations Gangbang.
4.Middle Right Greedists who want a power broker in the Oily East.
5. The fallacy that criticizing what is a historically recent and blood-ridden decision, that is the creation of the state of Israel, is equivalent to Anti-Jewish belief.

All of these lead up to one's inability to have a rational discussion about the Isreal decision in the United States. Israel is also our last chance to be the schoolyard bully who defends the little guy.

Kiko Jones said...

Reason #3 (above) explains Charlie Daniels and his ilk; they have no love for Israel per se, just its place in the fulfillment of what they believe is biblical prophecy.
I remember seeing this addressed in is an episode of The Sopranos, of all places, in which Tony is regularly visited in the hospital by a roaming, prayer-happy evangelical. Tony's Jewish visitors comment on and appreciate evangelicals' support of Israel, but are, nonetheless, uneasy with the reasons behind it.