Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Girls with Guns

Hell, I'd vote for her just because she's kinda hot, but I guess  this Sniffy Wannabe is banking on people being so stupid as to believe that being able to shoot a gun with a high degree of accuracy somehow translates into being able to legislate and enact the laws of the country effectively. But hey, these are the people that were impressed with Dick Cheney spraying his buddy with his gun-jizz from five feet away, so what can ya do.

Of course I, as usual, said it best:
Saw this guy on "60 Minutes" a while back and then again on Charlie Rose last night, and I like him. Has a creepy thing going on, but he seems to be the only guy with a viable idea to nip our dependance on oil in the bud instead of just shrugging his shoulders and shoving billion dollar bills in Exxon's pockets. Tho I guess that would mean Bush and Saudi Arabia would have to break up, c'est la vie. Also is a self-described populist, fierceful in his demands to help "the little guy." And as a hunter knows how to handle a rifle without looking like an idiot, which of course is so important in this country. Why I don't know; can you ever imagine the sentence "okay okay, everybody calm down...the President is on the way, he's gonna shoot the damn thing."

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