Thursday, June 03, 2010

I'm Going Back to School in 2024!

Rick Perry has joined VA governor Bob McDonnell in the race to make his state's children as stupid as humanly possible. Surely a few more states will see the attention these jerkoffs are getting and will scream "hey, our kids can be fucking retards too!!" and throw their hats into the race. And you know Arizona will try to out-do everybody ("textbooks can only use white ink!!!!") and, against all odds, Alabama also seems determined to make themselves dumber.

What does all this mean? It means I wish I was The Short Bus' age. Because that would mean by the time I'm applying for college I'd be competing with complete fucking idiots, and maybe I'd get into a college whose motto isn't "Oh, books, schmooks!"

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Maybe Mike "Idiocracy" Judge is a prophet after all.