Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29

That's how far we made it into this summer before some fucking jerkoff on the local news warns us that it's so hot we should simply stay inside with our air conditioning cranking. Thanks for the advice, genius asshole.

As I said back when I was a young(er) buck:
3) With warm weather coming up I’m bracing myself for the inevitable advice we’ll get during the first heat wave: “Stay inside with the air conditoning on.” Really? Wow, thanks! Cause I was gonna cover myself in maple syrup, put on my heaviest wool sweater and spin in circles on the baking asphalt for a while. Thanks! Jesus fucking christ. “Stay inside with the ac on.” If I could do that, Professor, then I wouldn’t give 2 shits about the fucking heat, now would I? That’s like if I wanna be a millionaire, “Have a million dollars in the bank!” thanks, assface.

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