Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Marah on TV

I don't know what time it's airing or if it already has, but Marah will be on George Whipple's show on NY1 tonight. Also, don't forget they're playing again at the Bowery Electric tomorrow night!

First five smoking hot chicks who come up to me and says "Xmastime Lands in the East, Turtledoves Suck On Cheetos" gets a 2-minute grope session with me backstage. (please note you must be smoking hot, please. And not "oh, she's really nice" hot; I mean "how much longer can I pretend I don't know she's cheating on me?" hot)

Also - they sure have gotten gayer since Serge got kicked out of the band for killing OJ's wife, haven't they? Yeesh.

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