Friday, June 11, 2010

Marley Agrees with Me, Which Means It’s 100% True:

Ferris Bueller is John Hughes' most overrated flick. Mostly because you spend the whole time wanting to punch, of all people, Ferris Bueler. Fuck that asshole.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

While I don't agree with it being overrated or dislike Ferris, the guy with the movie's best known cameo feels much more strongly about it than I do.

From Wikipedia:

Co-star Ben Stein was exceptionally moved by the film, calling it "the most life-affirming movie possibly of the entire post-war period." "This is to comedies what Gone with the Wind is to epics," Stein added. "It will never die, because it responds to and calls forth such human emotions. It isn't dirty. There's nothing mean-spirited about it. There's nothing sneering or sniggering about it. It's just wholesome. We want to be free. We want to have a good time. We know we're not going to be able to all our lives. We know we're going to have to buckle down and work. We know we’re going to have to eventually become family men and women, and have responsibilities and pay our bills. But just give us a couple of good days that we can look back on."