Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nuke You Ler

Our addiction to oil will never end until we somehow change the name "nuclear" to ANYTHING else.

Nuclear energy? Hey, it's probably amazing. And incredibly cheap and safe. But until you change the name (just fucking do it and claim it's something new; do you really think we fucking actually know what "nuclear" even is in it's basest form???!!), Americans are only gonna see one scenario when posed with the possibility of nuclear energy, and it's THIS ONE.

Seriously, aren't there whole industries dedicated to changing public perception? Yet they've never thought of this one? Really?

Ironically, at least Bush tried, right?

1 comment:

James Aach said...

Not a bad thought, but it used to be "atomic energy" already, and I suspect one reason they switched to nuclear was the reason you suggest. Too late....


Having worked in the US energy sector for over 20 years, I'm concerned about the vast knowledge gap in the public and the press and academia regarding the real world problems in producing cheap electric power. Achieving a better understanding of our energy present will surely help us develop a better energy future. For a free, realistic portrait of this generation of US nuclear plants, I suggest my "Rad Decision: A Novel of Nuclear Power." It is written as a thriller to avoid reader boredom - and that seems to be working, judging from the comments I've received at the website. Why not hear what someone in the bowels of the industry has to say? It is free online, or it's in paperback. See

“I got to about page four and I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down… It was very easy to read, the characters were well described, and they were vibrant.”

- DAVID LEVY, noted science author and Parade Magazine contributor. You can hear David Levy's interview with the author of Rad Decision at

"I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read"

- STEWART BRAND, founder of The Whole Earth Catalog, National Book Award winner