Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ready to Grow Young Again

I have no intention of lining Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen's pockets any further by buying the live at Hyde Park dvd, but this clip of No Surrender, one of a handful of Born in the USA songs that are tragically overlooked either by the big hits from the album or because people would rather yammer on and on about the production of the album ("sounds SO 1984"...congratulations Mr. Spector, you're a goddam GENIUS!!!), is pretty rocking. Also it has a guy from some band called Gasoline Anthem, so I get to look like I'm listening to what the hip kids are, even though the dude defies the laws of biology and is somehow shorter than Bruce.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Love Gaslight Anthem. I saw a video of Bruce singing 59 Sound with them in Europe and I thought Brian was going to piss himself with excitement. Anyway they are good enough to check out.